Article of the Week

Article of the Week!

React to/Respond to texts in a variety of formats by “reading” them and forming an arguable, interesting, personal assessment.  You are NOT graded on grammar- content only! However, this does take into consideration how you deliver that content…


  • read a variety of types of text (images, essays, films, articles, poems, stories, and multimedia productions)
  • improve your familiarity with how to use the web and its resources
  • reinforce and extend your knowledge of how to write paragraphs that are focused, organized, and developed using examples and details
  • write about a subject of interest to you and your audience that demonstrates your ability to read a variety of texts with insight
  • write with an emphasis on clarity and correctness


  1. Read the assigned article from NEWSELA
  2. Adjust the LEXILE SCORE as appropriate so that you can understand the article.
  3. Complete the comprehension quiz to check your understanding.
  4. Compose- in STRICT MLA FORMAT- a short reflection on the piece.
  5. You can write any reflection piece that responds to, extends upon, argues against, connects, and/or elaborates on any point made within the article.
  6.  Establish a clear thesis in your opening paragraph.
  7. Organize into paragraphs, each with a main idea that relates to and builds on your thesis
  8. Include examples and details from the text you read; these examples should maintain the focus, organization, and development of each paragraph
  9. Give your paper a title that helps clarify or even extend the idea of your paper. It should not be anything like, “The Weekly Paper.”
  10. Show you know how to properly format titles: Quotation marks: poems, articles, stories, essays, songs / Italics: books, CDs, movies, magazines, newspapers
  11.        is revised
  12.        is proofread



Log in to NEWSELA to get the weeks’ assigned article

Class Codes are…

Period 1:  OAZCU

Period 2:  XUHLC

Period 3:   PNJLD

Use EDMODO to turn in your assignment